Register Your Device


In order to register your device, you must be on the device you are registering. If you are not currently on the device you would like to register, please visit this page or click the link in the email from that device. You can also scan the code below on your phone to go directly to this page.

You should receive an email with a unique link to register your device. If you purchased multiple plans using the same phone number, you will see multiple emails, each with unique links. Use only one link per device you would like to register.

You can use a link from an email to start the diagnostic process, or you can enter your information below to get a unique link



Having trouble locating your plan? Try an Advanced Search





  • Use the smartphone you are covering with ZAGG Protect
  • Make sure you're in a room with good lighting
  • Remove your phone from its case
  • Clean smartphone with a clean cloth
  • If you feel like your phone is not functioning correctly during the test, abandon and restart your phone, then try again. Skipping a step could lead to a failed diagnostic.

Browser Compatibility

  • Do not use the embedded browser to launch the diagnostic
  • Android devices must use Chrome v.68 or newer
  • Apple devices require iOS 11 or newer and Safari or Chrome browsers

Screen Test Tips

  • Make sure you're in a well lit room with a medium sized mirror
  • If you have screen protection with visible cracks, we recommend removing the screen protection first, as it might lead to a failed diagnostic test
  • Clean phone and camera with a soft cloth
  • Clean the mirror with a soft cloth
  • Keep your phone still during the calibration process